Thursday, November 15, 2012

T minus 40 days until Christmas

Are you ready? I'm still trying to get over the fact that we are halfway through November! And since Thanksgiving is around the corner, this means Christmas decorating will be in full force soon.
Ok, so let's talk trees. Everyone has preferences between real and fake
(because I do 11 trees, it's easier to have fake)
(Not only that, but I had a dog one time that would lift his leg and mark the real Christmas tree - can't get too mad - I mean really, it's ok to pee on trees outside but not inside. I can see how that's confusing!)
So. How do you prefer to decorate your trees? Do you like themed trees or a hodgepodge of handmade, store bought and childhood ornaments?
Christmas lights - are you a fan of multi-colored, white, or a single color?
Tree toppers - What do you like to top your tree with? A star? An angel? A bow? Something completely different?
For myself, I like to have my main tree be the hodgepodge of ornaments - including some from my childhood, those given to me as gifts/on gifts, ones I've purchased, etc. But all of the other remaining trees are themed. I'll share those with you once they are up and staking out a nice piece of real estate in my house.
Speaking of themes, here are some fun ones I found online. All images are courtesy of Pinterest.
Silverware for your kitchen tree:


What are your favorites? Have you seen any unusual trees?


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